5 ways to improve your confidence
❥ Hello!
I can finally say that this blog looks how I really want and finaaally I know how to insert this personalized music player,which btw you have to play it.
As you may know and probably experience,the school year has started and since I notified a slightly repulsion for getting up earlier.Am I the only one who feels at 7 am that the only coziest and warmest place on earth is actually your bed?
Apart from this introduction,today I want to talk about confidence,because dear people,living in a society like this and having confidence is daaamn hard.Firstly,I don't say that I am the most confident person on earth,far from this,but I will present you some things that helped me to improve my confidence and self-esteem.
I mean your life it's already complicated,right? Why wouldn't you make it more easier with an optimistic mind and positive vibes? It is so true that your surroundings are influencing your mood and you can easily test it,imagine if you are in a good mood,enthusiastic and spend time with bored,negativistic persons,bye bye happy day.It is the same with confidence,you are not horrible,you are amaaazing and have some features that few people on this planet have or none.This is the way you should think.
2. Don't compare
I know it's hard,really hard.The society taught us to be in a continuous competition,to be the best of the best and it's inevitable to not consider the other persons,surrounding you (how they behave,look,talk and so on),but with a lot of practice you can avoid comparison with others and mind your own business.I don't say that you should ignore them,actually is really good to observe them,but believe me..you don't have to be like he or she,you have,need I will say..to be you!
3. Start taking action
In order to achieve success or accomplishment,the key is confidence and self-esteem.You will never succeed if you're a couch potato and live in a bubble of comfort,I mean..how would you have your own business if you just eat popcorn and watch tv series all day long.It's amazing to do this,but not every day my dear,so you need to work your ass off sometimes and never give up on what you really want.There is something that you said you could never do it,you know what...just do it! 'cause you can.
4.Don't be narcissistic
This is something I am still trying to fix,because I was not a narcissistic person,I was a fake narcissitic person.I used to say: ~Oh,how beautiful I am~ in the mirror or making just a joke (Leos can totally relate to this),but the fact was that in reality I didn't have such a good impression about me as spoken.Yes,it is good to like how you look,but the most important thing is to feel this way.You don't have to adore yourself,just to love yourself with all your flaws and qualities,the goal is to feel the beauty flowing out and inside your body.
5.Be assertive
This is a lesson I've learned and I am so happy about it.Being assertive is something that from my point of view is essential for self-esteem and confidence,because these go hand in hand.Assertiveness means standing up for what you believe in and sticking to your principles.Being assertive it doesn't mean that you are a bad ass or an arrogant person,it also means that you can change your mind if you believe it is the right thing to do, not because you are under pressure from somebody else or you are incapable to accept others' opinions.
These are the 5 things that helped and are helping me to improve/build my confidence.I hope I've motivated you and if you have some time,you could write some tips that have helped you and how you see all this confidence problem.I will be beyond pleased to read them. big hug

Thank you,I hope you have a great time every day,because this year is almost gone..so we don't have time to waste time.
If you have in mind a collaboration: alexandrablogger@yahoo.com , @impavidblog