3 years of blogging!!!❤️
RO: Aceasta postare vine ca o celebrare a faptului ca astazi se implinesc 3 ani de cand scriu pe acest blog.In acesti ani pot sa spun ca am evoluat extrem de mult daca e sa luam in considerare primele mele postari.Ce-i drept debutul a fost unul destul de stangaci,dar important este sa incepi de undeva ca sa ai de unde sa progresezi,asa este si in viata.
Totodata aceasta zi marcheaza cumva si sfarsitul adolescentei mele,nu ca m-as fi considerat cine stie ce fiinta boema si copilaroasa vreodata.Intotdeauna am crezut ca m-am nascut in secolul nepotrivit,respectiv avand alta varsta...dar totusi se realizeaza un demarcaj clar intre ce eram eu in urma chiar si cu un an si cu ce urmeaza sa devin sau cel putin cu ce imi doresc.
Sper ca ati dat play la melodie,intrucat ea mi-a fost cumva sursa de inspiratie si versurile transmit foarte bine cam ce simt eu acum.
Note to self: Am ajuns in punctul in care analizez fiecare detaliu,imi doresc perfectiunea pana in momentul in care voi atinge succesul,un succes asa cum il vad eu.Nu este bine,dar e the way I do it. Si nu o sa ma dau batuta niciodata,iar cand acest blog va implini 6 ani sper sa ma intorc la aceasta postare si sa constientizez ca ceea ce spun eu acum a devenit realitate.
EN: This post comes as a celebration of the fact that 3 years ago I was creating this blog and working at my very first post. In these years I can say that I have evolved enormously if we take into consideration my first blog posts. The beginning was quite left-handed, but it's important to start somewhere to get you out of the way, the same it's in the ordinary life.
Also, this day marks somehow the end of my adolescence, not that I was ever such a bohemian person or even childish. I always thought that I was born in the wrong century, also having a different age ... but it still makes a clear demarcation between who I was a year ago and who I'm going to become or at least who I want to.
I hope you played the song, because it was somehow the source of my inspiration and the lyrics are very accurate about how I feel right now.
Note to self: I've come to the point where I analyze every detail, I want perfection until the moment I'm successful, a success as I see it. It's not good, but it's the way I do it. And I will never give up, and when this blog is 6 years old I hope I'll get back to this post and realize that what I am saying right now has become a reality.