Top 5 movies in A lifetime
Hello,beautiful people! 🌻
RO: In aceasta postare voi vorbi despre cateva filme,mai exact 5 care merita vizionate.Am ales sa nu fac un rezumat la fiecare film pentru ca asta puteti gasi si pe internet,ci am ales sa va spun parerea mea despre fiecare si ce mi-au transmis.
Am incercat sa comprim lista asta cat de mult am putut si sa surprind mai multe genuri pe diverse teme,nu stiu cat am reusit asa ca sa-i dam drumul.
EN: I chose not to summarize every film,because you can find it on the Internet, but I chose to tell you my opinion about each of them and how they made me FEEL.I tried to compress the list as long as I could and to capture several genres on various topics, I don't know how I managed to do so,but here we go.
RO: Codul lui Da Vinci

EN: The Da Vinci Code
I'm sure many people have heard or seen this movie, for some it was successful for others something unimpressive.Certainly is not a trivial film because arouses curiosity, at least for me and those who debated this film many years after its launch. "The Da Vinci Code" is the film adaptation of the novel written by the famous Dan Brown, but I found it through a game with the same name who gave me many headaches, but in any case the film is amazing.I owe to it my attention to detail and excessive curiosity.
RO: Jurnalul
Daca primul film a fost unul politist,de mister,acesta face parte din categoria romance.„The Notebook” este cel mai frumos si clasic film de dragoste din punctul meu de vedere,cred ca de aici si motivul pentru care majoritatea fetelor au dezvoltat o pasiune pentru Ryan Gosling.Da..deci daca ai chef de plans poti sa te uiti oricand,e si asta un chef trust me (cativa stiu despre ce vorbesc).
EN: The Notebook
If the first film was a police, mystery movie,this is part of the romance genre. "The Notebook" is the most beautiful and classic love story from my point of view.I think from here also why most girls have developed a passion for Ryan if you feel like you crying,you can watch it at any time.
RO: Parfum de femeie & August Rush
Aceste filme fac parte din categoria: drama ,sunt niste filme foarte bune din punctul meu de vedere care iti pun multe semne de intrebare.Primul probabil il cunoasteti,intrucat joaca Al Pacino,iar al doilea e asa mai pentru tinerei,in orice caz frumoase.
EN: Scent of a Woman & August Rush
These films are part of the drama genre, these movies are very good from my point of view and it gets you wondering.The first movie is probably known,because Al Pacino plays in it and the second one is more for younger souls, however both of them are beautiful.
RO: Stigmata
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Am lasat acest film la sfarsit pentru ca e mai hard-core sensul ca nu toata lumea ar vrea sa se uite la asa ceva sau i-ar placea.Este horror si odata ce te uiti la el iti va ramane in memorie toata viata,bineinteles daca acorzi atentie la ce se intampla.Pe langa acest lucru,eu de ceva timp am renuntat sa ma mai uit la filme de groaza,desi imi placeau,intrucat nu gasesc povestea interesanta mi se pare ca se repeta si ma plictiseste chiar daca tehnologia a evoluat si efectele sunt mult mai puternice,insa acest film are un background foarte interesant din punctul meu de vedere.
EN: Stigmata
I left this movie in the end because it's kinda a way that not everyone wants to watch it or appreciate it.It's a horror movie and once you watch it,it will remain in your memory long after if you pay attention to the plot,of course.Besides this, I gave myself some time from watching horror movies, although I liked them, because I do not find them interesting anymore,the story seems to repeat and is boring,even though the technology has evolved and the effects are much more realistic, but this film has a very interesting background and it deserves.
RO: Cam asta a fost,acestea sunt 5 dintre filmele mele preferate,probabil am vazut filme mult mai bune decat cele prezentate,dar acestea mi-au venit prima data in minte.Va rog sa imi lasati comentarii cu ce filme interesante ati mai vazut si ce v-au placut la ele.BIG HUG.
EN: That was all about, these are five of my favorite films probably I have seen much better films than those presented, but those were the first which came to my mind.Please leave comments below with names of movies you've seen and why you consider them interesting.BIG HUG.