Art feeds you ( the beginning )

Hello,beautiful people! 🌻

RO: Am profitat de faptul ca a avut cine imi face poze si de un loc zic eu interesant pentru a expune o parte din emotiile mele prin fotografie.Nu stiu daca sunt singura persoana care atunci cand priveste un obiect de arta;pentru ca fotografia,imi permit sa spun e arta,simte un amalgam de emotii de diferite intensitati si anverguri.Probabil ca nu sunt singura si din acest motiv de abia astept sa pun in aplicare proiectul pe care il am in minte si totodata sa vi-l prezint,pentru ca ART FEEDS YOU! 

    EN: I took advantage of the fact that there was someone to take pictures and there was an interesting place to expose some of my feelings a.k.a mood.I don't know if I am the only person who sees a piece of art and goes through a lot of emotions and photography I dare to say, it's art.Probably I am not the only one and therefore I can not wait to implement the project that I have in mind and also to introduce you to it,because ART FEEDS YOU!

Thank you for your time,I really want to read about your vision concerning the art of photography.
instagram→ @impavidblog

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