Old burgundy

Hello,beautiful people! ♥ 

RO: Nu sunt sigura ca ati mai vazut aceasta culoare pana acum asa ca o sa va povestesc cate ceva despre ea.
EN: I am not sure you've ever seen this color before so I will tell you a little something about it.

RO: Glumesc :)) ,normal ca ati vazut-o e f**king visiniu si da stiu ca toata lumea este innebunita dupa culoarea asta,mai ales toamna,ei bine eu sunt o particica din acea lume.Datorita faptului ca mie imi plac super mult culorile,probabil stiti asta,daca ati mai citit ceva pe aici...(subtilitate) bineinteles ca m-am informat sa vad si eu care-i treaba cu burgundy asta (da,am cautat informatii despre o culoare).
Deci,burgundy este un fel de rosu-maroniu si deseori este asociata cu vinul de Burgundia,care la randul lui este numit dupa o regiune din Franta,Burgundia (dublu,yey).
Exista 2 tipuri de burgundy:

  1. Burgundy aprins (deschis) care este de obicei folosit pentru vopsirea parului.
  2. Burgundy inchis sau Old burgundy cum i se mai spune in engleza,acesta este si motivul pentru care aceasta postare se numeste asa,intrucat port aceasta nuanta

Ideea acestui articol este legata de faptul ca detaliile sunt foarte importante.In caz ca nu ti-ai dat seama,eu nu am ales sa vorbesc despre o culoare pentru ca n-am idee despre ce sa mai scriu sau am descoperit si eu acum ceva nou.Tot ce se intampla in jurul tau are diverse nuante,culori si tot ce vrei (daca tot am intrat in sfera asta),iar tu ca individ trebuie sa percepi fiecare detaliu si nu e neaparat pentru faptul ca detaliile fac diferenta,ci pentru ca tu trebuie sa intelegi mesajul din spatele fiecarui lucru,fiecarui detaliu.Vei intalni multe persoane,te vei confrunta cu multe situatii care posibil sa nu se sfarseasca asa cum iti doresti tu si vei spune "Aparentele inseala" ,chestia e ca aparentele nu inseala,ci tu nu ai fost atent la detalii,pentru ca daca iti focalizai atentia spre lucrurile alea mici pe care oamenii incearca sa le ascunda nu mai erai inselat cu nimic,bineinteles ca sunt cativa oameni care sunt super tricky si nu iti poti da seama atat de usor,dar despre asta vom vorbi alta data.
In speranta ca ai inteles mesajul meu,ne citim data viitoare! big hug

EN: Kidding:)) ,of course you've seen this color before and yes,I know that almost everybody is in love with this color,especially in the fall season and I am one of them.According to the fact that I love colors very much and you probably know that if you read my blog...(hint) I have searched on wikipedia to see what's the matter with this burgundy color.
So,burgundy is "a shade of reddish brown associated with the Burgundy wine of the same name, which in turn is named after the Burgundy region of France" (double,yey).
There are 2 types of burgundy: 

  1. Vivid burgundy which is used in cosmetology.
  2. Old burgundy is a dark tone of burgundy and that's also why my blog post has this name,because I am wearing this shade,yaas
The point of this article is related to the fact that details are very important.In case you didn't figure it out,I didn't choose to talk about a color because I don't know what to write about or I've just discovered something new.Everything is happening around you has different shades,tones,colors and so on...and you as an individual have to perceive every detail and is not necessarily for the fact that details make the difference,but for the fact that you need to understand the message behind the scenes,so to say.You will meet a lot of people,confront with various situations and is possible that these might not end as you want to,so you will say: "Appearances can be deceiving" ,actually appearances are not deceiving,you just didn't pay attention to details,because if you were focused to those little things which people try to hide,you wouldn't have been fooled with anything,of course there are some tricky people,very good at hiding things and you can't figure it out so easy,but you will in the END.
I hope you understood my message and we read ourselves next time! big hug

It wouldn't be me without a weird photo.

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