Blackest black friday
RO: Din moment ce Black Friday nu s-a terminat si da,fac parte din acel grup imens de oameni care isi cumpara lucruri in aceasta perioada si nu numai (feelin’ guilty),vom vorbi despre shopping.
Nu cu mult timp in urma obisnuiam sa cred ca shopping-ul este o obsesie,de multe ori generatoare de bine la femei,dar se pare ca nici barbatii nu stau mai prejos.
Eu am mai colaborat cu shein nu de mult si vreau sa va spun ca pe langa faptul ca am fost incantata de raportul pret-calitate,in aceasta perioada au si niste reduceri masive.
Deci,gandindu-ne ca probabil este ultima data in 2017 cand putem face cumparaturi mai multe si totusi sa mai avem ce manca dupa,eu zic sa incepem cumparaturile..dar bineinteles rational.
Aici va voi lasa cateva dintre articolele pe care eu le consider interesante si link-urile aferente.
- Poplin Insert Plaid Dress
- Ink Painting Combo Dress
- Fit Flare Dress
- Drop Shoulder Retro Print Velvet Tee
- Drop Shoulder Grommet Lace Up Side Tee
EN: Since Black Friday is not over yet and yes,I am part of that huge group of people who buys things in this period and not only (feelin'guilty), we'll talk about shopping.
Not a long time ago I used to believe that the shopping is an obsession which generates pleasure for women,but it seems that men are also into it.
I collaborated with shein not a long time ago and I want to say that besides the fact that I am impressed by the price-quality report,they also have some massive deals going on rn.
So,judging by the fact that this is probably the last time in 2017 when we can buy more things and still have something to eat (kiddin') I say to start,respectively continue the shopping..but rational.
I will leave here some of my favorite articles from the site and their links.