Get to know me
Today,I'll let you know some things about me and I'll like if you would do this too,please write in comments below your answers to these questions,I'll be very happy to read them.So...let's get started!
Introduce yourself.
My name is Alexandra and I'm an introvert,but also extrovert person,I can be both,but I know one thing for sure: I like to discover new things,people,places,so I'll be very glad if you just take a little break and write some things about you.
When is your birthday?
My birthday is on August 21
Favorite song.
One of them: Akua Naru-How does it feel now?
Tea or coffee?
I don't drink coffee,so tea.
Favorite color.
One of them is blue.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to watch movies,hang out,listen to music,eat chocolate...things like that:))
I also like photography,but in a different way...
Instagram; link on blog
The movies you like.
I like I ORIGINS,The Notebook,Under the Tuscan sun
Eye color?
Hazel,I guess...
Write down below your answers and if you want to have a small talk,because I want to,here is my