Reunited with my other half (Greece)
RO: Eu fac parte din acel grup de persoane care intr-adevar crede in energia locului,energia persoanelor din jur,vibratia energetica si toate celelalte lucruri mai mult sau mai putin stiintifice.Cred in aceste lucruri in masura in care intr-adevar resimt ceva asupra propriei persoane si acel ceva poate fi de natura negativa sau pozitiva.
Lasand la o parte energia sau mai stiu eu ce,vreau sa povestesc putin despre iubirea asta pe care o port fata de Grecia.De trei ani,la rand,am calatorit prin Grecia,pe diferite insulite,pe apa,pe orice caz niciodata prin aer.(explanation inside joke:prin asta vreau sa spun ca sunt cu picioarele pe pamant).
Glumesc,ideea este ca odata ajunsa acolo...deci nu stiu daca ati simtit vreodata ca vedeti atat de mult ~frumos~ incat tot ce ati face e sa admirati ore in sir tot ce va inconjoara,dar cam asa e in Grecia.Si culmea,de obicei mancarea imi da o energie pozitiva si daca e gustoasa,parca totul e minunat..dar de aceasta data nu am experimentat la fel de mult ca in anii trecuti,fiind vegetariana..varietatea nu este extrem de bogata,asadar aceasta este parerea mea onesta 100%,fara alte bazaconii.(if you got it)
Cu alte cuvinte,Grecia face parte deja din inima mea pana apare altcineva sa o inlocuieasca,pentru ca deh..asa sunt fetele😂,dar acest lucru nu cred ca se va intampla foarte curand intrucat energia pe care mi-a daruit-o acest loc este incredibila.
Intotdeauna am sustinut ca: "Faptele vorbesc de la sine.",asadar mergeti si vizitati tara asta,daca nu ati facut-o inca,sufletul vostru merita asta.Si nu in ultimul rand calatoriti oriunde,scaldati-va hainele in mireasma celor mai gustoase feluri de mancare,imbracati-va parul in parfumul acelui loc,iar ochii sa vada,picioarele si mainile sa atinga frumusetea care va-nconjoara.

EN: I am part of that group of people who truly believe in the energy of the place,the energy of the people that surround you,the energy vibration and all that stuff more or less scientific.I believe in these things in to the extent that I really feel something on my own and that something could be negative or positive.

Leaving all that energy aside,I want to tell you a lil' bit about this love of mine for Greece.For three years,in a row,I've been travelling through Greece,on different islands,through water and sand,but the point is...I don't know if you've ever felt like you see so much beauty that overwhelms you,because this is how Greece presents itself.And surprisingly,usually food gives me a good vibe and if it's tasty,it seems like everything it's wonderful..but this was not the case,because being vegetarian..the variety is not so satisfying,so this is my honest opinion 100%.
In other words,Greece is already part of my heart till someone else shows up to replace it,'cause you know..girls😂,but I bet this won't happen any time soon,because the energy this place gave it to me is incredible.
I've always said that "The facts speak for themselves'',so go on and visit this country if you didn't yet.Your soul deserves this and not in the last but not least travel anywhere,let your clothes soak in the smell of the food,the hair to be embraced by the perfume of that place and eyes to see,feet and hands to touch the beauty that surrounds you.

In other words,Greece is already part of my heart till someone else shows up to replace it,'cause you know..girls😂,but I bet this won't happen any time soon,because the energy this place gave it to me is incredible.
I've always said that "The facts speak for themselves'',so go on and visit this country if you didn't yet.Your soul deserves this and not in the last but not least travel anywhere,let your clothes soak in the smell of the food,the hair to be embraced by the perfume of that place and eyes to see,feet and hands to touch the beauty that surrounds you.

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I had to play a little.👀 |